
Welcome to PokerHub! Dayton's newest and exciting Poker Club around. All are welcome (18+), come in and see some cards. Shuffle up and deal!

5520 Burkhardt Rd, Riverside, OH 45431, USA


What is the BASIC rule of Poker?

All players are dealt 2 cards face down, followed by 5 cards face up. Players must make the best possible 5 card poker hand using the 5 community cards and their own face down hole cards. The best 5 card poker hand wins the hand and receives the pot. Here at PokerHub, we pride ourselves on showing new people to our loved game!

What is a good BEGINNER hand in Poker?

In general, you want to be playing big pocket pairs and big cards like AA, KK, QQ, AK and AQ as opposed to random weaker hands like 58, K2, 96, A4 and so on. These big cards give you the best chance of winning money from the hand as they have great odds of giving you the best hand at the river.Choosing the right starting hands in each situation is one of the fine arts of playing Texas Hold'em, and it is one of the first skills that you will develop the more you play.There are starting hand tables and charts out there that will help you play good hands in the most appropriate position, but I wouldn't recommend relying on them as you play. You are far better off learning basic starting hand strategy and using your head to decide which hands you play. Texas Hold'em is not a game that you win by playing to a set of rules, as every situation and hand is different from the next. Come down to PokerHub and let us walk you through!

What are the first 3 cards in Poker called?

Two cards, known as hole cards, are dealt face down to each player, and then five community cards are dealt face up in three stages. The stages consist of a series of three cards ("the flop"), later an additional single card ("the turn" or "fourth street"), and a final card ("the river" or "fifth street").

Are professional Poker players smart?

Poker is a game of strategy, and successful players in strategy games usually have the kind of mental acuity that you find in people who also score well in intelligence tests. Poker players process a great deal of information very quickly.